CYAO Project CYAO: Cyanobacterial Platform Optimised for Bioproduction
TAP Recipe
5X Beijerincks Salt Stock 10 mL
Phosphate solution 8.33 mL
Tris-HCl Stock 10 mL
Hutner's Trace Elements Stock 1 mL
Acetic Acid (Glacial) 1 mL
Adjust pH between 6.6 and 6.8
To 1 L Distilled H20
5X Beijerinck's Salt Stock:
NH4Cl 40 g
CaCl2 (2H2O) 5 g
MgSO4 (2H2O) 10 g
To 1 L Distilled H20
Phosphate Stock:
K2HPO4 (anhydrous) 14.34 g
KH2PO4 (anhydrous) 7.26 g
To 1 L Distilled H20
Check pH shall be around pH to 7.1, adjust with KOH
TRIS Stock:
Tris base 242 g
to 1 L Distilled H20
Titrate to pH 6.6 with HCl
Trace Elements Solution (Hutner 1946, J. Bact. 52: 213):
Na2EDTA 50.0 g
H3BO3 (Boric acid) 11.14 g
ZnSO4-7H2O 22.0 g
MnCl2-4H2O 5.1 g
FeSO4-7H2O 5.0 g
CoCl2-6H2O 1.6 g
CuSO4-5H2O 1.6 g
(NH4)6Mo7O24-4H2O 1.1 g
To 1 L Distilled H20
Follow the instructions:
- Add elements one at a time (except EDTA) to 550 mL milliQ H2O in a 1L Erlenmeyer flask.
- Heat the solution to approximately 70 °C.
- In a different beaker, add EDTA to 250 mL milliQ H2O and heat until dissolved.
- Add EDTA solution to salt solution (not vice versa) and bring the combined solution to a boil.
- Let the solution cool down and maintain temperature at 70-75 °C.
- Adjust pH to 6.5-6.8 with 20% KOH. Be careful: do not let the temperature fall below 70 °C or let the pH go over 6.8 otherwise you have to re-start.
- Dilute to 1000 mL.
- Use a cotton plug to cover flask (not parafilm!) and let it stand for two weeks until the colour changes from green to purple. Stir solution to help it, all along.
- Filter out red-brown precipitate and store in refrigerator. Note if there is a precipitate, then you don't know the real concentrations of elements in your solution.

Agar Plates
Add 1.5-2% w/v of Noble Agar to medium (typical 6-8 g to 400 mL TAP solution)

TAP receipt in PDF format: Tap.pdf
The research is founded by the Cariplo Foundation under the Biotechnology founding scheme.
Fondazione Cariplo
CYAO-Web. V2.2